The Residential Division of Local 9 Plumbers & Pipefitters consists of over 200 journeymen and apprentices. This division’s scope of work includes the plumbing and HVAC in single-family residences, single-family residential developments under one roof (condominiums, townhouses, etc) up to four stories in height. We also play an active role in strip malls, fast-food restaurants, new construction as well as service.
Local 9 is proud to announce that as of October 2013, a first year apprentice class is being held Monday and Wednesday evenings from 5:30 to 9:30 PM at our Training Center.
Apprentices that have started school prior to 2013 attend the technical school in which county they reside. The classes start in September through December for the 1st semester. The 2nd semester starts in January and ends in May. The apprentices attend a 4-year program and go to school two nights a week, 3 hours a night. Local 9 pays for the tuition once the applicant completes 144 hours of school, maintains a C or better, and logs in 2000 hours of work per calendar year.
Since we cover all of Middlesex, Mercer, and Monmouth Counties, parts of Burlington, Ocean, Hunterdon, and Somerset counties, this Division is required to travel throughout Central New Jersey. Local 9 has contractors throughout our jurisdiction that perform new construction as well as service. It is imperative that all current and future members must be able to perform both duties.
As this Division moves forward, we are always looking for potential members. If you possess the above qualifications as well as a clean driving record, drug free environment, and a minimum of 5 years experience with a Certificate of Completion for your training, you can e-mail your resume to