Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 9


Welcome to Local 9 Plumbers and Pipefitters

The Leadership and Members of Local 9 would like to welcome you to our website, where you will find a great deal of information about us.  As you peruse this site, you will discover that the Plumbers and Pipefitters of Local 9 work on projects of all shapes and sizes.  Our expertise is evident at worksites ranging from nuclear and conventional generating stations, petroleum refineries and pharmaceutical industries to universities, hospitals and local schools.  We can even be found working in small businesses, condos, apartments and single family homes.

The Plumbers and Pipefitters of Local 9 are vital to many industries throughout central New Jersey, and it’s because of our highly skilled workforce.   Membership exceeds 2,500 members, and we’re still growing.  We are always looking for the best and brightest that our area has to offer.  If you’re an experienced journeyman and you would like to upgrade your skills, please visit the Training page to learn more about how to enhance your career.  This site provides information About Us and the diversification of our trade, as well as information pertinent to our Apprenticeship Program.   We welcome your interest in Local 9 and invite you to Apply for Membership.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to Contact Us.

God Bless America! 

You can pay dues, find information on retirees and deceased members, scholarship information, benevolent fund info and more!!

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Join our Apprenticeship Program

The Plumbers, Steamfitters and HVACR Service Technicians Local 9 Joint Apprenticeship Committee conducts periodic recruitment on an Annual basis or based on additional manpower needs.

Organizing or Apprenticeship or Contact Us

Training Center

The Plumbers, Pipe Fitters, Air Condition and Refrigeration Program is a five year Apprenticeship Program, with on-the-job training and related experiences. Become the best at what you do.

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Benefits Office

We hope you will find valuable information on these pages and we encourage you to use the “Contact Us” to send us your feedback. If there is info. that you would like to see included in the future let us know!

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UA Local 9 is committed to putting the most highly trained workforce into the field to work for our contractors. View our huge database full of local and regional contractors. If you need assistance, please call us today

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